Sydney Boathouse

Rozelle, NSW

SolutionNexus Series® Commercial Louvres
ClientSydney Boathouse
PartnersRichard Crookes Construction, Micheal Fountain Architects
Finishes- Powdercoated Dulux - Eternity Natural Pearl 90089119

Weatherproof louvres add the finishing touch.

Using the Nexus Series® louvres for Sydney Boathouse provided the ultimate finishing touch to the building.
Louvreclad designed, manufactured, supplied and installed over 320m2 of single stage fixed weatherproof louvres to Sydney Boathouse building, which included stainless steel vermin-proof mesh.
Stainless steel vermin proof mesh and powdercoated aluminium was a crucial factor in the overall design.  The Nexus Series® louvre is part of Louvreclad’s specialised range, providing a customised solution, enhancing architectural appearance and efficiency to the building.

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